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25 January, 2019 - 27 January, 2019
25-27 JANUARY, 4-7 APRIL, 21-23 JUNE 2019
This intensive, life changing programme provides you an immersion in NVC at the same time developing measurable improvements in the relationships that matter most to you. We offer a unique approach to learning combining training, live application of the learning and continuous support throughout the programme and beyond.
I can honestly say that learning and practicing NVC has been a game changer for me, especially when I do it in a secured, warm and trustworthy environment as the Extraordinary Relationship course has proved to be. Participant
Through the programme you will gain significant insights into a selection of important relationships in your life. Maybe these will be your children, life partner, family, friends, work colleagues, neighbours – the choice will be entirely yours. Throughout the 6 months you will set yourself goals and notice clear progress in transforming your relationships according to your values.
You will learn about:
- Yourself – your triggers; your emotional signals and what they mean; how to change your reactions; asking for what you need; staying connected to yourself even in difficult moments.
- People who matter most to you – what their needs are; what they really mean and want from you, contributing to their enjoyment of life; supporting them in moments of crisis.
- Communication ‘Dance’ – creating a deeper quality of connection and mutual understanding, resolving difference and conflicts in ways that are good for all, giving high impact feedback; maintaining dialogue at all times.
The programme is built around Nonviolent Communication and you will learn the approach in a way that will enable you to apply it in all aspects of your life. The programme counts as 12 days towards Certification (10 days face to face plus 2 days online).
This programme is for you if you are either wanting to learn NVC or wish for more fulfilling relationships at home or at work. Or both. You also wish to work with a group of like minded and hearted people.
There are several, interrelated elements to the learning approach:
Induction meeting – you will meet one of the trainers and be invited to identify 3 relationships in your life where you would like to make progress. These will form the foundation for your learning and also give you a chance to track your progress day by day.
Three face to face workshops in Bucharest of 3 or 4 days each to give you insights, raise your awareness, build community with trainers and participants and provide opportunities to rehearse situations and conversations:
- January 25-27, 2019 Workshop 1 – Your Inner World (3 days)
- April 4-7, 2019 Workshop 2 – The World of Those Around You (4 days)
- June 21-23, 2019 Workshop 3 – Dance of Communication (3 days)
Between workshops you will be supported through:
- structured self managed learning through assignments you will design for yourself
- weekly (minimum) empathy calls with an empathy buddy
- additional materials sent to your email address/dedicated Facebook group
- every 3 weeks a support group (online) hosted by one of the trainers.
The total number of study hours will be in the region of 120 hours.
Language of the programme is ENGLISH.
Ian was born in UK and has lived in Eastern Europe since 1994 – in Poland and in Romania. In 2001 he came across Nonviolent Communication and immediately experienced its transformative approach to life, self and relationships. He has been an internationally Certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication since 2008 and, together with Monica Reu (his wife), runs Romanian Association for Nonviolent Communication.
Octavian was born and lives in Iasi and has been learning NVC since 2010. His interest right now is to help people improve their communication skills using NVC. He is a actively involved in both learning and spreading NVC, holding sessions in NVC in Iasi and facilitates two practice groups. He is a passionate cyclist and founder of On’Off DJ School (described as “the most popular DJ School in Romania”) where he trained about 100 people to become disk jockeys.
Silvia has been learning NVC since 2009. She has a vision to bring connection in each relationship, either with herself or with others. In 2016 she began offering one on one sessions, introductory courses and developed an NVC programme for women. She is an active member of the Romanian Asscociation for NVC and has been a trainer on Extraordinary Relationships since 2017.
We want our programme to be accessible to all and at the same time make sure the trainers are able to sustain this work.
The price we ask for this programme is €975. If this amount of money is more than you can afford then please contact us to discuss and we are confident we will find a solution together.
Any amounts you pay above our asking price will be allocated directly to those on low incomes to support them to participate.
Please follow this link to finish your registration and payment to secure your place: http://www.nonviolenta.org/extraordinary-relationships-2019